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Data-driven Digital Networks With R "Ray" Wang

business growth marketing May 09, 2022
Data-driven Digital Networks With R "Ray" Wang

This week I'm talking with R "Ray" Wang, one of the top technology analysts in the world and the Founder, Chairman, and Principal Analyst of Silicon Valley-based Constellation Research Inc. He co-hosts DisrupTV, a weekly enterprise tech and leadership webcast that averages 50k views per episode, and authors a business strategy and technology blog that has received millions of page views per month.

Wang also serves as a non-resident Senior Fellow at The Atlantic Council’s GeoTech Center. Wang has spoken at almost every major tech conference, and he is frequently interviewed in media outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, Fox Business, CNBC, Yahoo Finance, Bloomberg, Tech Crunch, ZDNet, Forbes, and Fortune.

In his latest book, Everybody Wants to Rule the World, he offers founders and business leaders a groundbreaking new guide that shows you how to adapt your business to thrive among digital giants, including Google, Facebook, Apple, and Amazon.

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