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Unlocking Women’s Financial Power: Sarah Walton’s Mission to Empowering Women in Business

business growth leadership strategy Sep 24, 2024
Unlocking Women’s Financial Power: Sarah Walton

This week's episode is pure fire! I recently had the enormous pleasure of speaking with the powerhouse that is Sarah Walton. Known for her mission to put more money in the hands of women, Sarah brought forth an abundance of insights into how overcoming limiting beliefs and understanding our mindset can drastically transform our professional and personal lives. In our enlightening discussion, Sarah detailed her own journey, the importance of mindset, and the tactics she employs to elevate women entrepreneurs.

From Poverty to Empowerment

Sarah’s story is both captivating and inspirational. Raised in a financially strapped environment and within a religious context that didn't encourage female ambition, Sarah's early life was fraught with challenges. Her love for dance, ignited at the tender age of four, and her dream of joining a high school drill team was a pivotal childhood experience. Financial constraints nearly extinguished this dream, but her resilient spirit led her to get a job at the mall to fund her passion. This story vividly illustrates a lesson many of us face: the tension between personal dreams and familial responsibilities.

The Turning Point

A particular turning point for Sarah was a phone call from her daughter while she was working as an executive in New York City. This moment led Sarah to revisit an old, limiting belief from her adolescence—that she couldn't take care of herself and her family simultaneously. This realization propelled her on a path of intense personal development and ultimately transitioning out of a high-powered job that was unfulfilling. For many of us, it's these poignant moments that prompt deep reflection and inspire change.

Mindset: The Hidden Key to Success

One of Sarah’s central teachings is that massive business success hinges on 80% mindset and only 20% strategy. This was an eye-opener. So often, we focus heavily on tactical approaches—marketing plans, business models, and sales strategies—without addressing the underlying beliefs that either propel us forward or hold us back. Sarah emphasizes the importance of unearthing these subconscious beliefs, many of which have roots in childhood or past experiences.

Uncovering Limiting Beliefs

During our conversation, Sarah shared some powerful questions to help uncover and deconstruct limiting beliefs:

  • Where did you learn that?

  • What evidence have you stacked to support this belief?

  • How can you replace this limiting belief with an empowering one?

These questions, when pondered thoroughly, offer a pathway to identifying the beliefs that drive our actions. Recognizing that our behaviors are a product of these deep-seated beliefs is liberating and the first step toward transforming them.

The Power of Coaching

Sarah’s coaching philosophy is deeply rooted in personalized guidance. Whether through one-on-one coaching or her Abundance Academy, Sarah works intensively with individuals to challenge and change their limiting beliefs. The Abundance Academy, in particular, offers a community dynamic where individuals can learn not just from Sarah, but from each other’s experiences. These shared learnings can catalyze rapid individual growth.

Real-Life Transformations

What truly stands out about Sarah’s approach is the real-life transformations her clients experience. From significant revenue increases to newfound personal fulfillment, the changes are profound. For example, a recent client who was feeling stuck experienced a breakthrough after just one intense coaching session with Sarah. This underscores the power of addressing mindset along with the tactical aspects of business growth.

Sarah’s story and insights resonate deeply and serve as an empowering reminder of what we can achieve when we tackle our limiting beliefs head-on. It's a call to action for all women entrepreneurs to invest in their personal development as much as their business strategies. As we continue our journeys, let’s remember that our potential is not capped by our circumstances, but by our mindset. By working to shift our beliefs and embracing the support of skilled coaches like Sarah, we can unlock monumental success.

Join the Movement

If Sarah’s narrative inspires you as much as it did me, don’t hesitate to follow her on social media, join her Abundance Academy, or participate in her monthly "Coffee with Coach" sessions on YouTube. Let’s all work together to transform our mindsets, build thriving businesses, and ultimately reshape the narrative around women and financial success. 


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